Welcome to the Town of Northumberland
Northumberland is a very old, historic town, the 4th oldest town in Saratoga County. It is bounded by the towns of Moreau, Saratoga and Wilton and the Hudson River. It contains almost 20,000 acres.
Agriculture is the main industry in the town. Northumberland has a steel fabrication plant, a golf course, a public airport and many other small businesses.
There are approximately 5252 residents. The main centers of population are the hamlets of Gansevoort, Bacon Hill and Northumberland. The largest housing development being Terrel Hills.
The town is served by two school districts, Schuylerville and South Glens Falls, two emergency squads, two volunteer fire departments and three post offices.
Take notice that I Denise d Murphy the undersigned, collector for the Town of Northumberland, County
of Saratoga, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of
Northumberland, for the year 2024and that I will attend at 17 Catherine Street in the said Town of
Northumberland, from January 01, 2024 to March 31 st , 2024 from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., closed 1:00 to
2:00 for lunch, Monday through Thursday. Fridays 8:00 to 1:00 on each day, excepting Saturdays,
Sundays and Holidays for the purpose of receiving the taxes listed on the said roll......READ MORE
Town Board Meetings: Held on the second Thursday of each month. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will begin at 8:00 am.
Zoning Board Meetings: The Town of Northumberland Zoning Board of Appeals meetings are scheduled as needed.
Planning Board Meetings: Held on the fourth Monday of the month as needed. All meetings, unless otherwise noted, will begin at 7:00 pm.
Public Hearings will begin at 7:00 pm when applicable
*Planning Board meetings may be canceled due to lack of agenda
2024 Town Budget:
Elected Officials
Your elected town officials are tasked with overseeing the operations and policies that help our town run smoothly. The town supervisor directs the day-to-day town activities including oversight of all departments.
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